
A Little Bit of Freedium

Sabino Maggi Sabino Maggi Follow 24 Jun 2024 · 1 min read
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Fonte: Jonas Jacobsson su Unsplash.

Medium is arguably the best online publishing platform, where anyone can publish articles of any length on any topic, ranging from advanced science and technology themes to journalistic reports and personal life stories.

The platform’s vastness requires personalization according to your preferences, so you can view only relevant content and ignore the rest. But even following only what interests you can be demanding: the newsletter Medium sends me every morning always contains at least 4-5 articles I can’t help but read and often share with colleagues or friends.

The issue is that almost all Medium content is now reserved for subscribers. The subscription is affordable (and currently discounted), but I can’t exactly ask someone to subscribe just to read an article I’ve shared with them.

This is where Freedium comes to the rescue. It (very simply, I might add) bypasses Medium’s paywall, allowing anyone to read paid articles by entering the original link into the search box on Freedium’s homepage.

Freedium is perfect for occasional use, but if you enjoy Medium and read it regularly, a subscription is a must. It’s money well spent.

Sabino Maggi
Written by Sabino Maggi Follow

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